The Pet Station


They say a body in motion stays in motion.  

If you are trying to find a way to keep moving with your dog and stay on track with your dog’s health and wellness goals, you have already done the hardest part – getting started!  

You don’t have to walk your dog for 10 miles a day, you don’t have to have a perfectly trained dog by the end of this month, and you don’t have to have your dog at the perfect weight just yet.  You just have to keep going.  

It’s easy and normal to go all-in at the beginning, then lose track half-way in the first month.  Life happens.

This is a perfect time to track the success you have already made and reassess how you want to move forward in the following weeks.  

Try these tips for yourself and your dog to keep going towards your goals.

  • Pick ONE thing to focus on and stay focused on that until you get really good at it.
  • Make it easy. 
    •  Plan ahead. Keep the leash out, treats out, or whatever the tools are that you need for your goals.  Set yourself and your dog up for success.
  • Stay consistent.
  • Block off time on the calendar and don’t let anything get in the way.
  • Pick an accountability partner
    •  Ok – your dog should do the trick, but if not, reach out to a friend and challenge each other to keep going.  
  • Find a group.  
    • You may want to find a dog walking group that meets up weekly, or our group training classes are perfect because they are at the same time each week.  
  • Set a date on your calendar to reassess every 2-3 weeks. 
    • LIfe happens – you need to adjust with it.  
  • Just move. 
    •  All it takes is the first step to keep you going.  If you planned on taking your dog for a walk but you don’t feel like it at the time, just make the first step.  Simply put your shoes on. The rest will follow.
  • Count your wins!
    • It’s easy to notice the things that we didn’t do or the times we forgot to put our dog first.  Take time to notice the things you DID do. You are doing amazing things and your dog is lucky to have you as a parent.  Give yourself a high-five!

We wish you the best as you strive to reach new goals for you and your dog.  We are here to help, encourage, and offer solutions to your needs. Check out our services to see where we can assist.